Beauty is here.
Josue Hart
Beauty is happening. Beauty is blooming past the boundaries of what we’ve been taught to believe. Beauty is not asking for permission— it is celebrating a declaration. Because beauty is anything we make of it.
Joela Rivera
Richie Shazam
Beauty exists within anyone who claims it. Beauty is a legacy an ancestry woven from the tapestry of our lineage. Beauty is a belonging — to ourselves, to our diaspora, to our deepest desires
Jezz Chung
Beauty is trans. Beauty is masc. Beauty is femme. Beauty is non-binary. Beauty is always in evolution— a discovery and a discovering of who we’ve always been without the noise.
Landyn Pan
Elsz and Basit
Beauty flows in an intimate rhythm, when we feel at home in our bodies, when we enjoy being alive. Beauty happens when we receive reflections from our chosen family. How beautiful it is to feel it, to feel the joy radiating within, among, around the vessels that hold us.
And when we recognize beauty
, we allow ourselves to feel a way forward.
Jill Ilana
Because the future we envision is happening now. We have the capacity to embody our ideal reality. To conceive it, to live it, to become it.
We are creating a future that is abundant, where we collectively care for the earth and for each other.
Jannis Wilkins
Julie, Lettuce and Pipiloti
A future where we learn our histories, lead with love, and ensure that our trans and gender non-conforming siblings can live safely in the fullness of their beings. A future where care is continuous, where violence ends, where we protect each other without the police.
Tahtiana Carrol
A future that is accessible to everyone, where disability is seen as beautiful.
Cielo Oscuro
Princess of Chinatown
A future where we are less interested in labels and categories and more interested in embracing our differences.
A future with less shame and more self-love, less perfection and more expression, less pain and more healing.
Ita Segev
This future is possible. This future is here.
Elsz and Basit